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About Skana Prop's


Skana Prop's is a very young company created in 2022 by myself.


My name is Anaïs and I have always been passionate about fashion, it was once in high school during my studies as a designer seamstress that I wanted to become a self-employed entrepreneur. And it was at the age of 25 that I embarked on this adventure.


Skana Prop's is a company where we create dresses for little girls, but also one-size-fits-all dresses that can most of the time be worn by pregnant or non-pregnant women, which are specially designed and designed for photographers.


If I chose to specialize in this type of creation, it's not for nothing, I love photos very much and I have at heart to create these outfits that will help to immortalize wonderful moments of life during your shooting.

Skana Prop's est une entreprise où je crée des robes pour petite fille, mais aussi des robes taille unique pouvant la plupart du temps être porté aussi bien par des femmes enceinte ou non qui sont spécialement conçue et pensée pour les photographes.

Si j'ai choisi de me spécialiser dans ce type de création, ce n'est pas pour rien, j'aime énormément les photos et j'ai à cœur de créer des tenues qui contribueront à immortaliser de merveilleux instants de vie lors de vos shootings.

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